SQL Governor V12 released with Always On availability groups monitoring and Custom alerts

SQL Governor V12 provides now also a profound support for Microsoft SQL Server Always On availability groups monitoring. With this functionality it is easy to monitor any number of availability groups and their states in real-time.


All the availability groups and databases are listed in tree view. It’s fast and easy to see an overall picture from the environment level summary. The summary shows an overview of replica and database health, as well as failover history and availability group error messages.

Replica level summary shows all the health statuses from availability groups, databases, replicas, and the listeners. All the critical availability group performance counters can be found from this view as well.

The database level summary shows synchronization timestamps and performance counters as well as database health statuses.


V12 also includes also a custom alerting feature that allows you to create your own T-SQL-based custom alerts over the monitored servers, instances and databases, depending on your individual needs. You can customize your warning and alert thresholds and query intervals and write dynamic email headers.

If you have SQL Server availability groups, try out our latest product version by contacting our sales team!

Jani K. Savolainen
Founder & CTO,
SQL Governor